All the computers are running Win10. Sharing is enabled identically on 2 drives. I can access one from other computers (F:), but not the other (E:). Remote access was turned off, but turning it on didn't help. It's also turned off all all the other computers on the network, but they are all working as they should. Password is turned off.
my computer says its connected to the internet but i have no access. ie, aim, slingbox all things that need internet connection do not work. ive tried all of the obvious solutions (pinging Wrapping Up: Wi-Fi Connected But No Internet Access. There is no single answer to the Wi-Fi connected but no internet access problem. The above tips should be able to fix most of the software related problems. However, if there is a hardware problem — like a damaged network card or router — then you will have to contact a technician. I lost access to the NAS drive through Mapped drive letters and realised that I had no access to the local domain. I have Internet access ( Like now). I can access the NAS via the Internet. I tried re-registering the computer name and workgroup. I can change the name but there is a message: "you must install networking before you can change the Connected to WiFI but No Internet in Windows 10. If you are connected to the WiFi network and your internet is working on other devices, but not on your Windows 10 PC. This is probably a misconfigured IP issue or an adapter problem which can be fixed. I have a proper working internet connection but my laptop says No internet connection.. this is driving me nuts as i have been trying for weeks,,many people have same problem and there is no solution I have windows 8 and so all the tiles are not working and i have no access to the store
The internet is great, but what about when the internet doesn't actually work? In most cases, a little bit of troubleshooting should help fix any unidentified network errors or no internet in Windows.. With this step by step guide, you'll be able to take all of the necessary steps to fix your internet so that you can get back online as soon as possible.
Network Troubleshooting using PING, TRACERT, IPCONFIG, how to fix wifi connected but no internet access windows 10 2019 - Duration: 2:50. All laptop solution 518,483 views. Reinitializing the connection to your ISP might help you get Internet access when connected to WiFi. Update your router firmware. Check the WAN Internet cable that plugs into the router - that might be damaged or… not plugged in. Find another public WiFi hotspot you can connect to - you may want to move around a little bit, if possible. Same problem here. Phone and Mac ok. Dell (Windows 10) no access. But can access using unsecured internet at public library. I have done all the steps above. We hv 3 Dell laptops with Windows 10. All not working. Call the internet provider. They said its not their problem. Called Dell, they want me to purchase service in order to advice me on
Wrapping Up: Wi-Fi Connected But No Internet Access. There is no single answer to the Wi-Fi connected but no internet access problem. The above tips should be able to fix most of the software related problems. However, if there is a hardware problem — like a damaged network card or router — then you will have to contact a technician.
This is weird. My sony Bravia says i´m connected to WIFI but has no Internet Access but i can use Netflix. Works fine Youtube, Vimeo and some apps say i have no Internet access At times, when you have mobile data turned on and then connect to a WiFi network, you might not be able to access the internet. So, try disabling mobile data to fix the issue. Now, you might be thinking Android is too smart for this. You don't mention if your network has a name, but you do say it's connecting to an un-named network. Once the Chromecast says it can't access the internet, it should begin broadcasting it's "setup" wifi network again. Open the setup app on an Android or iOS device (Android is the best option) and try convincing it to reconnect to your OWN network.